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A How-To Guide For Using A Recruitment Chatbot Fri, 23 Aug 2024 11:05:55 +0000

How to Use Chatbots to Improve Recruiting

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Although industry surveys suggest candidates feel positive about interacting with a chatbot, no one can really predict what a candidate’s reaction will be when they actually converse with one. Industry estimates predict a chatbot can automate up to 80% of top-of-funnel recruiting activities. After all, the recruitment process is the first touchpoint on the employee satisfaction journey.

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As we have seen in successful conversational UI, chatbots could provide multi choice answers to facilitate user input. Using cutting-edge technology like AI-powered tools and Chatbots can ease the recruitment process for mass recruiters and staffing agencies. In addition, it prioritises the best candidates by collecting the responses from the candidates and lessens the manual work for recruiters to do pre-screening calls. It helps reduce hiring time and cost by interacting and engaging with job seekers in a humanistic way. Chatbots ease the complex process (of hiring various candidates for different roles) in a short period.

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The chatbot works through pre-programmed responses, or artificial intelligence, without a human operator. Eightfold’s built-in HR chatbot can help hiring teams automate candidate engagement and deliver better hiring experiences. The technology schedules interviews and keeps candidates updated regarding their hiring process, saving time for both parties. This way, candidates are always aware of their application status without having to call or email recruiters repeatedly. The chatbot can also answer questions about applying for positions, job benefits, company’s culture, and even walk candidates through their applications. Recruitment chatbots are AI-based tools that help businesses automate and improve the hiring process.

According to survey’s conducted by Userlike, 99% of people have used a chatbot and nearly 80% of those rate the experience as favorable. It was also found that many people perceive chatbots as innovative, not as a cheap “out” for not offering a real person to talk to. So, with their highly positive reception, it is no surprise that more and more recruiters / recruiting agencies are starting to adopt them.

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Or do you simply find there are applicants you don’t respond to at all? It’s not only a great way of moving into the future, but it keeps candidates happy, gives you a good name, and saves you time on the whole process in general. The more that chatbots are being used as part of the digital experience, the more comfortable people are with it. And when it comes to job hunting, 82% of job seekers believe the ideal process to be a mix of technology and human-led communication. Say you’re an international company with candidates applying from all over the world.

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Chatbots Are Stepping Toward Supply Chains – WSJ.

Posted: Wed, 19 Apr 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

But how can you know which is the best recruiting bot for your company? Over the last 10 years, most larger companies have posted jobs to job boards, with links to apply on a corporate career site. In most cases, 90% of the time, visitors don’t actually apply through this process. With an SMS / Text Messaging chatbot candidates are encouraged to provide their contact info and answer pre-screening questions.

Recruiting chatbots aim to speed up the first round of filtering candidates by automating scheduling for interviews and asking basic questions. Although chatbot examples for recruiting are not used frequently today, they will likely be an important part of the recruiting process in the future. This fast-growing popular chatbot can automate as much as 75% of the recruiting process and streamline things for job seekers and hiring organizations. This application uses AI to ask questions, verify qualifications, and answer any questions the applicant has about the organization.

The candidate will then be able to respond to the chatbot’s inquiries via a chat interface. We built the chatbot entirely with Hybrid.Chat, a chatbot building platform we created for enterprises and start-ups alike. As one of the emerging leaders in the chatbot development space, we speculated we would get far too many responses to our recruitment drive. Recruitment Marketing Automation, for most companies, consists of sending automated job alerts via email.

The Future of Talent Sourcing: Using AI to Find the Best Candidates

ChatGPT can communicate with prospects in a timely and tailored manner throughout the employment process, from initial outreach through a job offer. ChatGPT has the potential to greatly impact the recruiting and hiring process by helping to reduce bias. One way it can achieve this is by identifying biased language in job postings and other recruitment materials. If you’re looking for a chatbot to help with the screening process, a rule-based chatbot may be a good option. They use artificial intelligence (AI) to understand the user’s intent and respond accordingly. Rule-based chatbots (or fixed chatbots) are programmed to respond to specific commands.

recruitment chatbot

Low-quality technology could mean that a chatbot would have a hard time answering common questions or respond inappropriately. That would harm the employer brand even more than relying on slower, more traditional communication. To make sure that the technology can effectively communicate, employers should look for a chatbot that is part of a larger technology solution that works throughout the entire application process. If you’re still feeling hesitant, consider trying a chatbot for a set period of time just to see how difficult it is to use and whether it makes your recruiters’ lives easier. You spend time and money on a product that doesn’t bring in the talent you’re looking for.

A bot reduces the amount of hours your recruiters have to spend doing admin work. This means each hour you pay them, they’re actually doing high-value work, building relationships, and hiring qualified candidates — saving you money with their newly acquired time. Despite the effectiveness of using chatbots in recruitment, it’s best to remember that they are ultimately just another touchpoint for collecting candidate information. Even though most candidates are comfortable interacting with a chatbot, you should not treat your candidate like a simple number. You still have to pay attention to candidates’ singularities, after all, robots can’t evaluate human qualities. They are not here to replace the HR department, but merely here to help humans automate tasks and facilitate their life.

Communicate effectively and efficiently with the candidates that can drive your business forward. Contact us to schedule your free consultation with our team of recruiting experts today. About 10% of Americans have experienced drug addiction at some point in their lives. If one of your employees is struggling with this disease, you might be tempted to fire him or her. Like anything in HR tech, first, identify the problem you’re trying to solve. The chart below aligns the most frequent issues to the best-suited solutions.

recruitment chatbot

They can schedule an interview or submit their resume online if they want to apply for any of these positions. Recruitment Chatbots are already being used by businesses, and these businesses claim to have cut their recruitment costs by about 50%. In addition to all of this, they also offer a quicker hiring process and a greater conversion rate.

You can collect their details and get them to book a demo of your software so that they can try it before they buy it. In 2023, the use of machine learning and AI-powered bots is skyrocketing, and the competition to offer the best HR chatbots is fierce. With chatbots helping you save time and money by handling up to 80% of standard questions from candidates within minutes, it’s clear that the need for innovative recruitment solutions has never been greater. Then, depending on the software provider you’ve chosen, you’ll be able to set up different conversational flows and/or sync it with your applicant tracking system.

In addition, candidates are more comfortable with Chatbot than recruiters because there is less commitment. By interacting with this untapped segment of candidates, a chatbot is doing the tasks that already time-strapped human recruiters don’t have the time nor capacity to do in the first place. Today’s candidates are aware the recruiting process might not be human-to-human at every touchpoint but value the chance for touchpoints to receive information. Randstad found 82% of job seekers believe the ideal recruiter interaction is a mix between innovative technology and personal human interaction. Interest in chatbots has accelerated over the past years, due to the benefits they hold for both recruiters and candidates.

Will generative AI transform business? – Financial Times

Will generative AI transform business?.

Posted: Thu, 26 Oct 2023 04:01:31 GMT [source]

Recruitment chatbots are tools designed to answer questions mapped to preset answers from candidates applying for roles at your company, on behalf of your recruiting team. In addition to our recruiting chatbot, we also offer the most comprehensive conversational recruiting platform on the market. That means we provide a wide variety of ways for recruiters to chat with candidates and job seekers.

recruitment chatbot

They all support a few (or more) languages; however, the bulk of them are using things like Google Translate. The companies that are developing their multi-lingual support to be more localized and colloquial are HireVue Hiring Assistant and Mya. If you’re looking for inspiration, be sure to check out the VideoAsk template gallery in your account where you’ll find a range of videoasks designed to assist you in your recruitment process. Here are some of the reasons why you should use Appy Pie’s recruitment chatbot

builder to construct your own recruitment chatbot.

  • It takes the pressure off candidates and stops you having to look through reams of candidate information.
  • Chatbots are a terrific technique to get the most talented folks to come to you if you’re seeking job candidates.
  • This adoption suggests chatbots have a promising role to play in recruiting and other functions.
  • If some one wanted to get information from you, they could have you fill out a form or they could interview.
  • In the recruitment world, the longer a position stays open, the more it costs a company in lost productivity.

A is basically an HR manager’s dream assistant. In reality, it’s a conversational interface (that looks like an instant messenger chat window) that helps carry out basic processes using artificial intelligence and machine learning. This could be something as simple as letting a recruiter know how many interviews they have that day to something more complex, like setting up interviews with candidates.

  • They’re excellent at storing masses of data and responding to people quickly.
  • They all support a few (or more) languages; however, the bulk of them are using things like Google Translate.
  • Recruiters can set up the chatbot to reflect their company’s branding and tone of voice, as well as tailor the questions and answers to reflect the specific needs of their organization.
  • Are you one of those hiring professionals who spend hours of time manually reviewing candidate resumes and segmenting applications…
  • Not everyone prefers or responds to phone calls, especially if you’re sourcing candidates in the Gen Z demographic.
  •’s AI recruiting platform comes with a chatbot that can streamline various parts of your recruitment process.

Read more about here.

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Self-Abhyanga Thu, 20 Apr 2023 11:14:11 +0000 Sneha translates as “Oil” and as “Love”. So, is there an act that expresses self-love more than Self-Abhyanga? Self-Abhyanga is the practise of massaging oneself. As per Ayurveda, this practice balances doshas, increases relaxation, and enhances well-being. Abhyanga also induces a feeling of warmth and stability which contributes to wellness.

Self-Abhyanga routine

Traditionally the frequency of abhyanga routines depends on the dosha that you have-

Vata -up to 5 times per week

Kapha- up to 2 times per week

Pitta- up to 3 times per week

Furthermore, you may also choose the oils depending on your dosha as well.

Vata- Sesame, Almond, Castor

Pitta- Sunflower, coconut, or Ghee

Kapha- sunflower, safflower

If you want to start this practice and don’t know your dosha you can start with an oil like jojoba which suits all doshas. A normal self-abhyanga routine is done before your bath with lukewarm oil. Starting with the crown of your head, followed by the face, neck, torso, and limbs, one must focus on the various Marma points throughout the body. Let the oil sit and soak for 15 mins and then take a bath.

However, not everybody can afford to fit a 20-minute step in their routine. An option to adapt abhyanga to your routine is to do it after your bath, or as a weekend practice.  

Benefits of Abhyanga

  1. Nourished skin, and massaging help with collagen production.
  2. Relaxes muscle fatigue.
  3. Increases circulation
  4. Good for lymphatic drainage
  5. Stimulates internal organs
  6. Lubricates joints
  7. Decreases signs of aging by reducing early wrinkles
  8. Great for the health of hair
  9. Increases vigor in muscles and makes limbs stronger
  10. Induces better sleep

Our For-Abhyanga Combo is a perfect addition to begin your journey with this amazing practise to revitalize your mind, body, and soul.

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Why Oil? Wed, 12 Apr 2023 06:44:33 +0000 Oils are not essential energy providers in the human diet but have also been a part of our regimes throughout history. From soaps to fragrances and aromas, oil is one of the most utilized mediums in the world. Be it to cook and carry flavors, for infusions, or even as a medium for paint pigments, oil truly does it all.

In terms of the topical use of oils, these have been utilized as humectants and emollients since ancient times. Our ancestors figured out that the fats present in oil would benefit the skin in the form that seeds and nuts do to the body.

Ancient Egyptians and tribes across the world have been using oils such as fenugreek, moringa, and emu oil on their skins. Imagine an Egyptian queen, the first image that probably props up in your mind is smooth, radiant, supple skin being slathered with oils in the bath. These oils were used to boost circulation and protect one from the sun! The Romans also said a lot about oils in their manuscripts, with Pliny the Elder describing oils to “improve one’s complexion, reduce wrinkles and dark spots”.

The Greeks, always looking to one-up the Romans, followed by making the first cold cream with a combination of olive oil, beeswax, and rosewater. This was called “Galen’s Wax” and this is what paved the way for the moisturizers we see on shelves today.

Coming towards the sciency side a bit, oils are made up of triglycerides, and triglycerides are made up of fatty acids. These fatty acids are important not only for the appearance of the skin when applied topically but are also essential for the human diet. When it comes to the nutritional importance of oils, there are two basic functions it serves. Number one is the utilization of lipids for energy and various other function such as making hormones, and controlling the movement of the cell membrane. The fatty acids within these lipids are vital for activities such as metabolism and cell function. The second function is the transport of nutrients and vitamins. Here, cold-pressed oils that are rich in bioactive such as phenols and other phytonutrients grant further nutrients to the body.

Being a substance that can be molded into various roles, there is always something new being achieved with oil. This is probably one reason why oil was considered valuable enough to be a form of payment in ancient Egypt.

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Eating Fat- Dossier Lab Fri, 10 Mar 2023 06:00:21 +0000 The word fat has been given a negative image. This is why one assumes that with fat comes fat. However, it is very important to disassociate body fat and the fat we eat.

Dietary fat or the fat we eat is essential for us. It is a part of multiple processes in our body including the management of inflammation, hormones, and the maintenance of cell membranes. Certain nutrients such as vitamins A, D, E, and K are only transported in the body through fat.

When it comes to weight loss, one must understand that keeping your body in a constant process of digesting sugar may lead you to gain weight. It is vital, hence, to include fats in your diet to make your body get used to digesting fats.

Knowing which fat to choose is an important part of eating dietary fats.

For this, one must understand the difference between good, healthy fats and unhealthy fats. There are two types of fat:

Saturated fats– These can be identified as fats that are solid at room temperature.

Unsaturated fats- These on the other hand are liquid at room temperature. There are two types of unsaturated fats:

  • Monounsaturated

These are found in dairy and red meat. However, plant oils have a higher percentage of monounsaturated fats. (eg. Peanuts, safflower seeds, sunflowers seeds, sesame, pumpkin seeds, almonds, cashews, and avocados)

Studies show that monounsaturated fats may lower bad cholesterol and improve blood sugar levels.

  • Polyunsaturated

These can be divided into omega-3 fatty acids and omega-6 fatty acids. Both these fatty acids are essential and are beneficial for health.  Sources for omega 6 are plant oils and omega 3 can be found in seeds, nuts, and fish. Benefits include lower levels of triglycerides, bad cholesterol, and a lower risk of heart or blood vessel disease.

Trans fats are another type of fat most commonly found in oil that is chemically changed or hydrogenated. There is a very small amount of trans fats found naturally occurring. Most trans fats are produced as a result of chemical changes in oils and this fat has been proven to be bad for health. Hence, avoiding trans fats should be a goal for a healthy lifestyle.

We encourage the use of cold-pressed oils for a similar reason, cold pressing ensures that all nutrients are intact. Plus these are majorly in the form of unsaturated fatty acids, which are considered more healthy for you as per various studies. When we look at our diet from a broader perspective, we might find that being afraid of eating fats may have altered our understanding of a wholesome diet. One must observe and understand their diet and identify the type of fat that is most beneficial to them to ensure they are eating what is good for them. 

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What is complete well-being? Sat, 04 Mar 2023 08:49:40 +0000 Well-being is a combination of having balance and healthy mannerisms in all aspects of your life. But what are the things that make complete well-being? 

We did a lot of research and found 5 basic domains that affect well-being: Mental, physical, emotional, social, and spiritual.

Most of these aspects cannot be measured via a single scale and have a different definition for every single person. But if try to bring together the factors that may affect these domains, they are:

  • Mental: psychological health, satisfaction, happiness
  • Physical: movement, rest, nutrition, overall health
  • Emotional: having set boundaries around you, managing challenges, managing stress and emotions aptly
  • Social: connection, sense of belonging, and support within our circles
  • Spiritual: understanding yourself, meditation, recognizing the purpose of your life or your current purpose, expanding knowledge, and being creative.

However, along with these fundamental domains, other parts of our life must be balanced for us to achieve complete well-being. These are vocational and environmental. Vocational well-being depends on the sense of fulfillment one gets at their workplace and environmental well-being depends on factors such as our surroundings in all the various parts of our life. While these may not completely be in your control, certain factors are. These may look like setting personal boundaries at the workplace, making your general environment more comfortable.

We like to initiate the conversation about subjects that affect one’s well-being as multiple studies advocate for its direct association with longevity, productivity, better immune function, less risk of disease and injury, and, a better contribution to society.

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Oil for your pet dog. Mon, 20 Feb 2023 01:56:00 +0000 Like you, your pooch is also prone to allergies and even lifestyle diseases. While exercise is important, so is the diet you give your dogs. Your pet needs a variety of nutrients just like you to maintain a healthy and comfortable life. Along with protein and carbs, fats are another important macronutrient your dog needs for a good coat, healthy joints and to fight inflammation. One thing to make sure of is that the oil you give or use for your pets is clean and does not contain things that may be toxic to them. It is important to check the ingredients to make sure there are no unnecessary additives. Virgin oils prove to be healthy dietary fats for your pet.

  • Flaxseed oil: The complete seed of flaxseeds is not absorbed by your pets completely, since your pets probably do not chew their food enough. Flaxseed oil proves to be a great supplement for dogs and cats. It aids in joint mobility, inflammation, promotes healthy digestion, and may also help with allergies.
  • Pure virgin coconut oil: This is another great oil for your dogs. It promotes a healthy coat and fights inflammation and digestive issues. This oil has also been found to fight bad breath in dogs. Add a small spoon to your dog’s meal once a day.
  • Fish oil: Fish oil has been recognized to be of great use to your pet’s meals. It fights inflammation, keeps their coat healthy, and promotes digestion and healthy joints. However, it is important to make sure your dog is not allergic to seafood.
  • Other oils may have certain characteristics and pungent flavors that may cause aversion to food, hence try to use neutral oils that also provide benefits to your dogs.

How to give your dog oil?

One thing you must take note of is that you feed your dog according to the amount of exercise he/she gets. If you feed your dog excessive fat, it may cause trouble in their health. The first step would be to check how much fat their food contains already. Vets normally advise a teaspoon per 10kg of your dog’s weight but consult your Vet for advice as per the breed of your dog. Try to start with a smaller amount, to let their system adapt to a new addition into their diet.

When it comes to application, dogs, and cats do like to be massaged to relax them. Certain oils are also great natural moisturizers for any dry patches or irritation your dog may have. These can be applied to their paw pads and elbows where they may get calluses and roughness.

  • Jojoba oil: Jojoba oil can be used to relieve dry and itchy skin as it soaks in immediately and works quickly to get rid of dryness.
  • Almond oil: Almond oil is a great natural emollient and has various amazing benefits for your dogs. It can be applied to the dryness on their snout or other places where they may experience the same such as their elbows.
  • Coconut oil: This is a great cooling oil that can also be applied to your dog’s coat to soften its fur and nourish its skin.

At Oilin, our oils are virgin and do not contain any additives at all, making them safe for your pup!

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Omega Fatty Acids- Dossier lab Mon, 13 Feb 2023 04:50:05 +0000 You’ve heard the term multiple times, and you know it’s good for you. But don’t exactly know what these are?

Omega Fatty Acids are polyunsaturated fatty acids that are vital for various processes in the body.  Primarily, omega fatty acids are vital for inflammatory and anti-inflammatory activities. Both these responses are important in a healthy human body. Based on the structure of their molecules, they are divided into omega 3 and omega 6.   

Omega 3:

Along with anti-inflammatory action, omega 3 also contributes to the blood vessel, lung, immune and endocrine function. To begin with, there are three specific types of omega-3 fatty acids ALA or Alpha-Linolenic acid, EPA or Eicosapentaenoic acid, and DHA or Docosahexaenoic acid.

Being an essential acid, omega 3 is not produced in the body and must be sourced externally, i.e., through foods. Fats or lipids of vegetable origin such as nuts and seeds are good sources of ALA, while DHA and EPA are more prevalent in fish and seafood.

Omega 6:

Omega 6 aids hair and skin growth, bone health and is an important part of the body amongst other processes. Omega 6 fatty acids include Linoleic acid, which is another essential fatty acid and cannot be produced in the body. However, omega 6 can be found abundantly through natural sources such as safflower oil, grapeseed oil, and sesame oil.

Eating omega fatty acids:

An ideal ratio of omega 3 to omega 6 in the body is 1:4. Consider this ratio and see if your diet also aligns with this. 

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Rose Infused Oil- Dossier DIY Mon, 30 Jan 2023 10:33:38 +0000 Rose is a flower with great importance. The king of flowers and a symbol of love, the rose is also a significant ingredient in the perfume industry, amongst florists, and even in condiments.  While the flower is now majorly ornamental, it has remarkable medicinal qualities that include anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antiseptic properties amongst others. Oil is a great way to carry these properties. Infusing rose in oil also allows for the oil to yield an aroma. Making it a multipurpose oil. The process of making rose-infused oil is easy but must not be confused with rose essential oil, which is a different process altogether.

How to make Rose Infused Oil:

First things first, choose the type of oil you want to infuse. Light oils with less aroma of their own such as Jojoba oil, Almond oil or Safflower oil are good choices. Once you’ve chosen the oil you want to infuse, take some fresh rose petals in a glass container. Choose organically grown rose petals to make sure that the oil does not irritate your skin at all. Pour your oil over the petals and seal the container. Set aside in a cool, dark until the petals turn white. Using a cheesecloth, sieve the petals out and you can either use this oil or, repeat the process until you achieve the scent and level of infusion you want. This process may take up to 4 weeks.

Use this oil as a massage oil, in foot soaks, and as a scented oil. If infused in edible oil, this can be added to teas or baked goods for additional flavour. Show us how you infuse your oils @shopoilin on Instagram.

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Cold-pressed oils: what are they? How to take care of them? Fri, 20 Jan 2023 11:00:00 +0000 Oils have been a part of human routines and rituals since 3000 BC. Sourced from seeds, vegetables, leaves, herbs, and agricultural by-products, oils have become of economic importance with time. As a result, conventional, quantity-focused methods for oil extraction have gained space in the market. These methods such as solvent extraction, refining, and bleaching drastically change the functional properties of oils only for them to lack their original nutritional and aromatic properties. While it makes oils have better heat resistance, this causes the loss of phytonutrients that were otherwise present in the oil naturally.
Here’s where cold-pressed oil shows up. Cold pressing is the mechanical technique by which oils were originally pressed. With no form of external thermal or chemical additives other than physical force, the oil that cold pressing produces is nonhazardous and rich in good nutrients.

However, with these nutrients comes the factor of oxidative stability and heat resistance. Certain phytochemicals cause oils to be less stable than refined oils. This is one reason why cold-pressed oils are best consumed as soon as possible. It is also important to make sure that the oil is not heated to very high temperatures as this may alter certain qualities in the oil. However, one must not worry about this. Learning the basics of taking care of cold-pressed oils is the key. It is quite simple, keep the oils away from sunlight and open them to oxygen only when required. This reduces the chances of your oil going rancid. In terms of cooking with cold-pressed oils, the best way to eat them is in dressings for your salads or as a topping on your food.

We triple-filter our oils and have made sure that small sizes of our products ensure that you don’t have a bad experience. In case you have any other queries about our oils, contact us at

Note on rancidity:
Identifying rancidity is also quite easy. If the oil smells a bit fruity, fermented, or like adhesive paste (glue) something’s wrong.

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