Well-being is a combination of having balance and healthy mannerisms in all aspects of your life. But what are the things that make complete well-being?
We did a lot of research and found 5 basic domains that affect well-being: Mental, physical, emotional, social, and spiritual.
Most of these aspects cannot be measured via a single scale and have a different definition for every single person. But if try to bring together the factors that may affect these domains, they are:
- Mental: psychological health, satisfaction, happiness
- Physical: movement, rest, nutrition, overall health
- Emotional: having set boundaries around you, managing challenges, managing stress and emotions aptly
- Social: connection, sense of belonging, and support within our circles
- Spiritual: understanding yourself, meditation, recognizing the purpose of your life or your current purpose, expanding knowledge, and being creative.
However, along with these fundamental domains, other parts of our life must be balanced for us to achieve complete well-being. These are vocational and environmental. Vocational well-being depends on the sense of fulfillment one gets at their workplace and environmental well-being depends on factors such as our surroundings in all the various parts of our life. While these may not completely be in your control, certain factors are. These may look like setting personal boundaries at the workplace, making your general environment more comfortable.
We like to initiate the conversation about subjects that affect one’s well-being as multiple studies advocate for its direct association with longevity, productivity, better immune function, less risk of disease and injury, and, a better contribution to society.