

Sneha translates as “Oil” and as “Love”. So, is there an act that expresses self-love more than Self-Abhyanga? Self-Abhyanga is the practise …

Why Oil?

Why Oil?

Oils are not essential energy providers in the human diet but have also been a part of our regimes throughout history. From …

Eating Fat

Eating Fat- Dossier Lab

The word fat has been given a negative image. This is why one assumes that with fat comes fat. However, it is …

Complete well-being

Well-being is a combination of having balance and healthy mannerisms in all aspects of your life. But what are the things that …

Oil for your pet dog.

Oil for your pet dog.

Like you, your pooch is also prone to allergies and even lifestyle diseases. While exercise is important, so is the diet you …

Omega Fatty Acids

Omega Fatty Acids- Dossier lab

You’ve heard the term multiple times, and you know it’s good for you. But don’t exactly know what these are? Omega Fatty …

Rose Infused Oil- Dossier DIY

Rose is a flower with great importance. The king of flowers and a symbol of love, the rose is also a significant …

Oils have been a part of human routines and rituals since 3000 BC. Sourced from seeds, vegetables, leaves, herbs, and agricultural by-products, …

Our Story…

The word oilin is a combination of two words- oil and Linum usitatissimum. The linseed plant or Linum usitatissimum is one of …

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